The secret to changing your body

I'm getting deep today so buckle up because I want to talk about the REAL secret to changing your body. But first I want to ask you to hear a few of these statements.

"Work is so demanding, things come up and I end up missing my workouts."

"At the end of the day, by the time I've fed my kids I can barely feed myself."

"My schedule is so packed there is just no possible way I have time to make it to the gym."

"I just can't eat healthy, I love cheese too much."

Is your bullsh*t detector going off yet? Because mine is... but I guarantee you not in the way you think!

I hear these statements made by women nearly every day. And it cuts me deep to know that they honestly believe them!

Now, I am NOT saying they're jobs aren't hard, life doesn't throw some serious sh*t at you sometimes and there are days where fitness and nutrition is just NOT going to be a priority.

But what makes me sad when I hear this stuff is that these are women who are living their life as a victim of circumstance. Life happens TO them. They don't get to play an active role.

The obstacles are totally real.

It's their belief that they are powerless to change them that I call bullsh*t on. They simply aren't giving themselves enough credit.

Take Back Control

Our brain is wired to prioritize and create hierarchies of importance to help us automate how we spend our time and energy each day.

That means that while we think we're in charge of our priorities... we can get steam rolled by our automatic processes pretty quickly.

That's why it's so darn hard to change our priorities - it requires REALLY committing to those changes at a deeper level. The reason these struggling women never have enough control over their life is because they aren't making sure that their actions are under their conscious control!

The Truth

You don't just "change" your diet or start showing up to the gym 4 days a week. You can't just say something will happen and expect it to play out. What it really requires is planning ahead, identifying your personal obstacles, and figuring out a solution to those obstacles so you can follow through on the changes you want to see.

Sometimes those obstacles include scheduling a time for physical activity, sometimes it means making sure you've got some healthy food in your fridge.

Sometimes it means putting your phone down and going to sleep or finding new ways to relax and unwind from a hard week that doesn't include half a bottle of wine and a dark chocolate bar (85%, obviously, ).

My point is: the obstacle is the way (thanks, Ryan Holiday). The real path to being the fierce female you were born to be is by turning everyday obstacles into opportunities for growth and PERSONALIZING your food environment and fitness culture! The system has to work for YOUR life, not the other way around!

You got this!

So, don't be a victim of circumstance.

Don't let life just happen TO you!

Play an active role!

And remember, I am here to help you do that if you are ready to have a fierce mind, body, and spirit no matter what is going on in your life!!!


Have a question?! I’d love to hear from you by email at OR on Instagram at @ashleybrownfitnessnutrition.

NutritionAshley Brown